Policies and Procedures
School Policies & Procedures and Student Handbook
- Arrival / Dismissal
- TUSD Attendance and Tardy Procedures (Elementary)
- Independent Study
- Notification of Move
- Emergency Information / Medication
- Lunch
- Dress Code
- Lost and Found
- Birthday Celebrations
- Classroom Celebrations
- Prohibited Items
- Cell Phones / Tablets / Smart Watches
- Website / email Communication
- Social Media
- Digital Citizenship
- Parents and Visitors
- Parent Volunteers
- Classroom Interruptions
- Homework Policy
- Grading System
- Discipline Plan and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Playground Standards of Behavior
- Parking Lot Safety
- Closed Campus
Arrival / Dismissal
Arroyo has been an outstanding school since 1965, which is why so many families choose Arroyo as their home school! Our current enrollment is close to 600 students. As you can imagine, our school was certainly not designed to handle the amount of cars and traffic that currently exist in our community. If everyone abides by the following parking lot procedures we will certainly have the best chance of ensuring the safety of our students and families.
Morning Drop-off
TK through fifth grade students must arrive no earlier than 7:55 a.m. We do not have supervision before 7:55 a.m. Parents are encouraged to establish a “leaving-home” time with their children. Staff will supervise children from 7:55 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. Should a student arrive prior to 7:55 a.m., they will need to wait in the courtyard in front of the school office. At 7:55 a.m., students will be permitted to hang up their backpacks and line up in front of their classroom to socialize with friends. No field, grass or play structures will be open before (or after) school, as we do not have student supervision in these areas.
Afternoon Pick Up/Dismissal
Early Pick Up
Late Pick Up
To and From School
TUSD Attendance and Tardy Procedures (Elementary)
Students need to be in class to learn.
The teaching-learning process builds on lessons previously taught.
Learning often involves hands-on activities, which cannot be duplicated with paper and pencil assignments outside of class.
Students who miss school suffer, because that day of active learning cannot be reproduced.
Students develop the habits of good attendance and punctuality for future careers.
School funding is dependent on student attendance.
Excused Absences
Unexcused Absences
Unverified Absences
Truancy Procedures and Consequences:
6+ unexcused absences Letter home and 1st parent conference
8+ unexcused absences Letter home & Student Attendance Review Team parent conference
10+ unexcused absences DA Truancy Letter & Student Attendance Review Board parent meeting at the Tustin Police Department
Reporting an Absence
Call the school office attendance clerk, Lizeth Amezcua, at 714.730.7381 ext. 60101
Send a written note to school with your child.
Flu symptoms, nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
Acute cold, sore throat, persistent cough, or constant runny nose.
Eyes that are red, inflamed, excessive tearing or crusting.
Any diagnosed skin rash. Any draining skin lesions, unless protected and diagnosed as non infections.
Swollen glands around the jaws, ears or neck.
Marked drowsiness or dizziness.
School Illness
Excused Tardies
• Sick/not feeling well
• Immediate family member funeral
• Court appearance
Early Release (30 minutes or more)
Excused – Early Release
Doctor Appointment (must return with a doctor’s note)
Court Appearance
Students leaving 30 minutes or more will be marked – Excused Early Release.
Unexcused – Early Release
Independent Study
Trips, Vacations, Family Business: Independent Study contracts may be requested when it is necessary for the family to be away from school. The contract is valid for not less than three (3) school days, but not more than fourteen (14) school days per year. Independent Study contract must be approved by the school at least 5 days prior to the trip. How it works:
Parent to notify school office and teacher.
Office staff will prepare the independent study contract which must be signed by the parent, student, and teacher PRIOR to the student’s absences.
Classroom teacher will provide the work to the student on the last day the student is present at school.
The student must return to school with the completed work and give to the teacher on the first day of their return. No partially completed work will be accepted for credit.
Independent Studies will not be authorized the last two (2) weeks of school.
Notification of Move
Please let the office know ahead of time if you are moving. We can put together the papers you will need to enroll at your new school. All textbooks, workbooks, school devices, chargers, outstanding lunch balances and library books need to be turned in before leaving. Damaged or lost items will be repaired or replaced at the expense of the parent.
Emergency Information / Medication
Purchasing Lunch: School breakfasts and lunches will be offered daily for free at this time.
NEW Lunch Drop-Off: If you are bringing in lunch during school hours for your TK- 5th grade student(s), you may place it on the cart right outside of the office anytime from 8:10 – 11:45 am. There are name tags, pens and tape for you to attach your child’s name to their lunch. During the lunch hours, the cart will be rolled into campus next to the front office. Students know to come to the office if they forget their lunch. We honor students’ learning time, therefore, the office staff will not interrupt classroom instruction to notify students that their lunch is in the office. Students will not be called up to the office during a lunch period to receive his/her lunch or for parents to be able to say, “hi” to or eat lunch with their child. Additionally, parents may not sign-in as a visitor for the purpose of taking a lunch to a backpack or classroom. Students may NOT receive lunches through campus gates or other points of access. Thank you for your understanding and support with this policy.
Suggested lunch drop off times: Grades TK, K, 1, 2 & 3 - before 11:45 a.m.; Grade 4 & 5 - before 12:30 p.m.
Special Occasion Lunches: To maintain a safe, respectful and calm lunch experience for our students, parents/guardians/visitors may not set up birthday lunches or special occasion lunches for their child and a friend(s) here at school. When certain students are invited to enjoy a special meal on school campus, such as McDonald’s, for example, those left out can feel excluded and hurt. Thank you.
Dress Code
TUSD Dress Code Guidelines
Baggy trousers, shorts or skirts
Low riding pants or shorts
Any item of clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol, violence, or offensive language
Makeup or tattoos
Clothing that exposes their midriffs
Halter tops, spaghetti straps, or bare shoulders. Width of strap should be at least one inch.
Tight or revealing clothes, see-through blouses or tops
Hats (unless permission has been granted by teacher or special spirit day)
Clothes which allow undergarments to be exposed
Open-toed shoes, rubber crocs, sandals, high heels, boots or wedges
Parent support encourages students to dress appropriately. Parents may call the school office at any time for clarification of the TUSD dress code. If student attends school dressed inappropriately, parent will be called to bring a change of clothes to school for their child. Repeat violations will result in disciplinary action. Site administrators may set dress standards for special school occasions or activities with prior notice to students.
Lost and Found
Please make sure your children label all removable clothing, water bottles, lunch bags, etc., with their name. The lost and found cart is kept outside near the Front Office. All unclaimed items are donated to charity in November, December, March, and May. It is amazing to see how quickly items collect in the lost and found and how few items are actually returned to their owner due to lack of identification on clothing etc. We appreciate your help with this!
Birthday Celebrations
Students love to celebrate birthdays at school, as it is a memorable time to share with teachers and friends. Teachers will do something special for their students on their birthdays. Please do not send your child to school with gift bags or any food items on their special day. In our effort to abide by the TUSD Wellness Policy and to maximize student instruction and learning time, we are asking all parents to follow these guidelines should you wish to do something special at school in honor of your child’s birthday:
Contribute a book to the Arroyo library through the Birthday Book Program.
Donate an educational game or book for your child’s classroom.
Donate a book to your child’s classroom in honor of them.
Wish your student Happy Birthday on our school marquee for $50 (proceeds go to our PTA).
Students/parents are not allowed to bring food items for birthday celebrations, as many of the items brought to school do not follow the TUSD Wellness Policy guidelines and/or cause problems in regards to student food allergies. Additionally, students will not be able to pass out birthday invitations to students here at school. As you might imagine, this can cause very hurt feelings for the students who do not get invited or cannot attend the birthday event, and serve as a distraction to learning. The Arroyo staff feels strongly that by following these guidelines, we are promoting a healthy lifestyle and maximizing student learning! Thank you for your support.
Classroom Celebrations
These celebrations are typically handled by the PTA Room Parent(s) in collaboration with the classroom teacher. As celebrations are being considered, we ask that parents remain mindful of the cost, duration and purpose of the celebration. Our goals are to ensure student learning, promote healthy living and foster strong social-emotional wellness. Excessively extravagant celebrations at school, while fun, can be distracting to teachers and students. As a school, we celebrate seasons and some national/federal holidays while acknowledging and learning about cultural similarities and differences, but we do not celebrate or emphasize religious holidays or beliefs.
Prohibited Items
Personal items (electronic or otherwise) may not be brought to school without prior permission from a teacher. Any item which causes a distraction to the learning process will be taken from the student and returned to the parent/guardian. The school/staff assumes no responsibility for any personal item which is brought on campus. Articles such as jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Specific items prohibited are: skateboards, roller skates, and roller blades. Toys, sports equipment, trading cards, and chewing gum are not allowed at school - unless special permission has been granted by the teacher.
Cell Phones / Tablets / Smart Watches
Students are prohibited from using cell phones on campus unless the student has received permission from his/her teacher or other authorized school employee and he/she has completed the TUSD Bring Your Own Device agreement. If a student is found using his/her device on campus without permission, the device will be taken and locked in the office or classroom by the teacher, until the parent comes to pick it up. TUSD cannot guarantee students’ cyber safety on some personal smart devices.
Website / email Communication
We encourage you to refer to the Arroyo PTA website for up-to-date information. The Arroyo News e-blast is sent via email each Sunday to communicate all important activities. Review the Arroyo News for important dates and events. If you are not receiving the Arroyo News every Sunday, please visit the Arroyo PTA website to “sign up for the Arroyo News” and update your profile.
Social Media
Digital Citizenship
Parents and Visitors
Parent Volunteers
Arroyo is so fortunate to have so many generous parents who are able to volunteer their time and talents to assist us, enriching our students’ school experiences. In fact, many of our programs rely heavily upon your help. If you are able to donate some time to the classroom, PTA or school, please contact your child’s teacher, our PTA president, Katie Blevins or our PTA vice president, Taylor Cherry. Thank you!
Parents are welcome and encouraged to be involved in their child’s education and are valued members of our Arroyo learning community. All parents who work as volunteers at school will be expected to read and sign the Volunteer Procedures and Confidentiality Agreement provided by your child’s teacher. Volunteers will need to respect the confidentiality of staff, students and other parents at all times. Signed statements will be kept on file in the office.
Implementation: When parents are invited by the teacher to act as volunteers at school, a Volunteer Confidentiality Statement will be given to them and they will be asked to read and sign it. Breaches in confidentiality will be treated seriously and the parents involved may be asked to meet with the principal. Confidentiality will be discussed with all parent volunteers before they begin working anywhere on the school campus.
How Parents Can Help:
Preparing materials and making copies
Meet the Masters Art - student support/set-up
Lunch supervision
Reading or Math groups
Field Trips
Read to/with your child daily
Check homework regularly
Communicate with teacher as needed
Work in partnership with the teacher
Promote Student Independence
Ask for teacher clarification on long-term assignments and provide input as needed
Parent Volunteer Procedures and Expectations:
Respect the privacy of all children by keeping observations, experiences and information confidential.
Respond impartially to students regardless of background, ability, physical or emotional maturity.
Refrain from discussing other students’ progress or behavior with others, including staff.
Model positive, respectful and encouraging behaviors toward adults and students.
Understand that younger siblings may not be included when you are volunteering due to liability.
If you cannot make your scheduled time in the classroom, please let the teacher know.
Faculty Lounge - We greatly appreciate all the support and assistance that volunteers provide to our school. Please work in areas other than the Faculty Lounge during recess and lunch. The office staff will assist in helping volunteers locate workspaces when needed.
For the safety of our students, all perimeter gates are locked after the start of school. All volunteers must sign in and out in the front office.
Classroom Interruptions
Homework Policy
Kindergarten: Minimum 15 minutes of reading together, sharing a story, a lesson, activity, or rhyme that was taught that day, or reviewing concepts or skills taught during the week.
First Grade: 15 minutes per night increased to 20 minutes as skills increase
Second Grade: 20 minutes per night increased to 30 minutes as skills increase
Third Grade: 30-45 minutes per night, including nightly reading
Fourth Grade: 40-50 minutes per night, including nightly reading
Fifth Grade: 50-60 minutes per night, including nightly reading
Students’ Homework Responsibilities are to:
Take homework assignments and materials home.
Spend the necessary time each night to complete homework.
Demonstrate pride in homework by doing the best you can do.
Submit finished homework to the teacher completely done and on time.
Require that homework is meaningfully and reflects and reinforces the curriculum/standards taught in class.
Ensure that homework assignments are accessible are well prepared.
Explain homework assignments to students and review study skills, homework guidelines, and expectations.
Facilitate student access to the resources necessary to complete assignments.
Parents’ Homework Responsibilities are to:
Arrange a quiet time and study area including proper lighting.
Encourage reading for pleasure.
Expect your child to report progress to you on long-term assignments.
See that your child organized homework for return at the right time.
Encourage your child to work independently on homework assignments.
Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding homework.
Communicate with teacher if HW is taking longer than expected or if your child frustrational level is “high” on a regular basis.
Support and encouragement from parents and guardians help children succeed. Thank you for doing your part to ensure your child’s love of learning and success!
Grading System
Students will be evaluated each trimester with a report to parents evaluating a student’s participation and progress toward the Common Core State Standards. Progress Reports will be explained at Fall Conferences. Student performance is evaluated on classroom assessments, teacher observations, portfolios, and rubrics. We ask that parents contact their child’s teacher should you notice that they are struggling with the learning process, and work in partnership with the teacher/school to support your child in achieving his/her unique learning goals. We celebrate students for maintaining a GROWTH MINDSET and putting forth their best effort, showing grit and determination in all that they do.
Discipline Plan and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Arroyo Elementary will provide a positive, nurturing, and encouraging learning environment with a strong academic and social-emotional wellness focus by establishing and maintaining high behavior expectations for all students. To accomplish this goal, teachers and staff will guide students in following clear standards of behavior through a school-wide discipline plan. This plan is designed to create a positive, safe, and orderly learning environment by encouraging all students to behave in such a manner that they will be a credit to themselves, their parents, and our school community.
Character Awards: Every week, one classroom from each grade level 1-5 will be recognized at the Flag Ceremony for being KIND, SAFE, and RESPONSIBLE.
Administrator: Telephone calls home, behavior slip/letter sent home, in-house suspension, suspension from school, and in severe cases, expulsion.
Playground Standards of Behavior
We are determined to foster and maintain a safe place for students to exercise through games and activities. Throughout the year we will work with students in a positive manner while instilling attitudes of respect, responsibility, and appropriate decision-making skills, which will support the academic and social foundations of Arroyo Elementary School. We will review playground activity options and expectations regularly and make considerations where changes can be made as new ideas arise. Please review the below playground rules with your child. We thank you for working with us to support a safe playground area. In any situation, students should avoid engaging in any activity that could endanger their safety or the safety of others. Students will be taught to THINK before they act, and ask an adult if they do not know what is allowed.
Designated Play Areas
With the exception of getting a drink, using the restroom, or moving from the eating area to the playground, students are to remain on the blacktop or grass during recess and lunch periods once snack/lunch has been eaten. Students should not be between or behind buildings, or in any unsupervised area. When playgrounds get wet or muddy, students are required to stay on the blacktop play area.
General Rules
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Practice good sportsmanship and use KIND and appropriate language.
Follow directions of supervising adults.
Absolutely NO FIGHTING or “play fighting” – disciplinary action will be taken.
No running on blacktop.
No tag games.
When you hear the first whistle, STOP playing and freeze. Hold all equipment. At the sound of the second whistle, walk to your designated area.
Recess and Lunch Break – Food must be eaten at the lunch tables. Students will no longer walk around the blacktop/playground or sit curbside while eating their snacks.
Always clean up your paper and food scraps. Absolutely NO GUM is permitted on school grounds.
Always stay in designated areas.
Refrain from loitering or playing in the restrooms or at the drinking fountains.
Do not climb on cement walls, planters or fences.
Stay away from large containers (no running or hiding behind them).
Students leaving the playground to go to the office must have a note from playground supervisor.
Game rules should be followed at all times.
Use Rock, Paper, Scissors (only once; not 2 out of 3) while back-to-back if there is a dispute about who is “out.”
Use, “Nice try, you’re awesome!” when someone loses.
Handball: Those waiting for their turns must stand along the line. Anyone who leaves the line must go to the end.
There is no “cutting” in line.
There are no “saving places” for friends.
Personal sports equipment must remain at home and cannot be brought to school.
Items from home: You must have your teacher’s approval before bringing items to school. These items may NOT be used during recess or lunchtime.
Respect school equipment. Students who intentionally mistreat equipment (such as intentionally kicking balls into neighbors’ yards, for example) may face disciplinary action and may be required to replace the equipment.
Teacher: Warning, reflection/break time with a Think Sheet, loss of privileges, telephone calls home, and/or behavior slips sent home.
Administrator: Telephone calls home, behavior slip/letter sent home, in-house suspension, suspension from school, and in severe cases, expulsion.
Parking Lot Safety
Be sure to pick up your child promptly if they are not walking home. Students may not wait for parents at locations other than the lunch tables. Please cooperate fully with the Arroyo Staff and volunteers on parking lot patrol as your child’s safety is our highest priority. If you are interested in joining our staff in “parking lot safety”, please call the school office to let us know. We would greatly appreciate the support of volunteers in this area.
Drive-Through Signage: For efficient pick-up, we have provided Drive-through signage for each family. Should you misplace it or need additional signage for a 2nd car or carpool, we recommend you use a paper plate. Clearly & boldly print your child’s last name, grade and teacher’s name on the plate. Place the sign on your dashboard so that teachers on duty can see it clearly.
Closed Campus
Please remember that Arroyo Elementary is a closed campus. Some organizations have contracted with the school district to use our facilities/fields. However, if you see any unusual occurrences and/or behavior (loitering, skateboarding, bike riding, etc.) on campus after school or on the weekends, please contact the Orange County Sheriff’s Department (714) 647-7000 or (949) 770-6011 or Tustin Unified School District Security Day Time: (714) 412-4833 and Night time: (714) 981-3962. We want to ensure that our campus remains vandal free.